User Guide
Quick Start
Installation & Setup

Installation and Setup

Welcome to Hatchet! This guide walks you through getting set up on Hatchet Cloud. If you'd like to self-host Hatchet, please see the self-hosted quickstart instead.

Step 1 - Request Access

If you haven't already requested access to Hatchet Cloud, please fill out the form here (opens in a new tab). We'll get back to you within 1 business day.

Step 2 - Set up your Development Tenant

Each Hatchet instance runs on a unique subdomain for your organization (e.g. Within each instance, you can create multiple tenants to logically separate your environments (e.g. dev, staging, production). Each tenant has its own set of users who can access it.

When you get access to Hatchet, you'll be given a development tenant to use. This will allow you to create your development workflows and invite your team members to collaborate. We recommend utilizing a different development tenant for each engineer on your team.

When you get access to the tenant, navigate to your Hatchet dashboard and to your settings tab. You should see a section called "API Keys". Click "Create API Key", input a name for the key and copy the key. Then set the following environment variables:


Step 3 - Install Dependencies

Make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

pip install python-dotenv
pip install hatchet-sdk

We are using python-dotenv (opens in a new tab) to load the environment variables from a .env file. This isn't required, and you can use your own method to load environment variables.

Next Steps

You are now ready to create your first workflow!